Mixed Media

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Marion Cloaninger

Marion Cloaninger

Artist bio Marion Cloaninger is a self-taught artist with over 30 years of experience.  She is best known for her colorful acrylic mixed media paintings.  Her favorite instructors are Tim Ford, who taught her how to draw what she sees, and the late Vae Hamilton, who...

Lisa Reavis Drum

Lisa Reavis Drum

Artist Bio Dream – Create – Blue Skies: Art, integral within my life, sustains me, challenges me, fulfills my soul. And at the center of my art world are pet portraits, as I love animals way beyond reason 🙂 On a good art day I am painting a pet for a couple of...

Julia Tampa

Julia Tampa

Artist Bio Julie grew up surrounded by art and artistic people, and has explored many creative outlets. She loves bright colors and whimsical design, and finds great joy in watching people’s light up when they see her work. www.julietampa.wixsite.com/jadreams...

Beth Andrews

Beth Andrews

Artist Bio Throughout my life as an artist, I have increasingly found that the deeper I look into the fabrics and threads of life and creation, the more I find that those things which may appear dramatically opposed to each other on the surface are often connected at...